Bat Growing poem

WALT: identify syllables 

Success criteria:

Choose an Animal: I picked an animal that has one beat (syllable) in its name

Count the Beats: Each line of my poem has one more beat (syllable) than the line before.

Make It Make Sense: My poem tells a little story or describes my animal in a fun way.

Check My Beats: I counted the beats in each line to make sure they are right.


We have been learinng about Maramataka

What is maramataka it is the maori calendar

What moon phose did you choose Mawharu

What activites are you good at on that day use your eneryg in productive ways that will bring great results for you in the future, be active, take notice. Fishing, eeling, crayfishing and gardening is good on this day.

We made Dioramas.

I used a box,paint,grass,ice block sticks, and cardboard .

What i found easy was the paint/ and then what i found challenge

was the river

Mothers day cards

My Special Mum

My mum is really good at cooking and making me feel better when I’m sad.
My mum makes the best nachos.
My mum is as smart as a mathematician.
My mum is as pretty as a rose.
My mum makes me laugh when she tells jokes.
I love my mum because she loves me and looks after me.

Love Melissa